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Those with an interest in World Championship Boxing would probably already know

whom the person is that I am writing about by the title of this article. The man in

question for those not that familiar with the sport of boxing is none other than the

former World Heavy Weight Boxing Champion – “Mike Tyson” who has often been

described by the above title.

What has Mike Tyson to do with racing pigeons you may ask? Well nothing really,

other than as some may know Mike Tyson is a pigeon fancier himself, although the

pigeons he keeps are not of the racing variety.

That aside, you may also ask why I am writing about “Iron Mike”? Well, in November

2012 Mike Tyson was conducting one of a series of seminars in various Australian

capital cities entitled “Day of the Champions”.

To cut to the chase, the Sydney hotel where Mike Tyson was staying and knowing of

his love of pigeons, thought it would be a nice welcoming gesture if he was

presented with a local fancier’s pigeon to handle and release. So in their effort to

find a fancier willing to participate they thought they would search the Internet to

see what they could find. Their search led them to the Central Cumberland Pigeon

Federation web page where the contact person listed was their Secretary, John

Jeffery. After making contact with the CCF Secretary they asked if he would like to

participate in their plan and provide a pigeon to present to Mike Tyson to release.

John Jeffery was more than happy to oblige, and as a result plans were made for the

pick-up of the bird. In the mean time John gave some thought as to which of his

pigeons he would make available, and as he had seen photos and video’s previously

re Mike Tyson and his pigeons he remembered that Mike Tyson kept mainly Reds

and Mealy coloured birds and as it turned out John had just the cock bird to send.

The staff at the hotel organised for one of their staff members to drive out to

Campbelltown to pick-up the pigeon and a courier to return the empty basket.

Mike Tyson was reportedly very surprised and happy to both handle and release the

pigeon from his hotel room balcony (refer to photos).

He was so pleased with the gestor that when the basket was returned to John Jeffery

there was included a surprise gift of thanks from Tyson that included photos of him

with the bird along with a special edition, personally signed Mike Tyson boxing glove

accompanied with a thankyou card from the hotel.

Needless to say John was very pleased with the gift and is now in the process of

having them framed professionally where it will no doubt go “straight to the


The pigeon by the way is a Mealy Pied Cock that has raced very successfully from

three different routes being clocked from several races and John told me that closely

related birds to this cock have won several prizes including All Bird Derby prizes.

This cock is now in stock and it is not surprising that he has now been named “Iron


In closing, I think it fitting to use two of Mike Tyson’s quotes. The first being –

“Be committed. Always test yourself”. And secondly – “Success is about being able

to sacrifice”.

Paul Gibbs

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