Lost Racing Pigeon?
The welfare of racing pigeons is of utmost importance, as these birds are not only valuable to their owners but also deserve to be treated with care and respect. When a racing pigeon gets lost, it can face numerous challenges, including finding food and shelter. Therefore, if you come across a lost racing pigeon, it's crucial to report it. This ensures the bird can be safely returned to its owner, who can provide the necessary care and support. By taking this simple step, you contribute to the well-being of these remarkable birds and help maintain the integrity of the sport.
Reporting A Lost Pigeon
The welfare of our racing pigeons is our highest priority. We appreciate the general public return of a stray pigeon back to its owner. On occasions our racing pigeons are injured or lost while racing or training. Before reporting a race pigeon, you will require the following information from the pigeon’s life ring so we can find the pigeon’s home.
Firstly, club initials. A series of letters on the ring will indicate what local club the pigeon belongs. E.g. BLK = Blacktown.
Secondly, year. Usually, four-digit number that indicates the pigeon’s year of birth.
Thirdly, ring number, this number is unique to each pigeon in each club.
Please contact our federation ring secretary 0428 450 044 providing club initials, year and ring number. Provide your contact number and the ring secretary will get the pigeons owner to contact you for pickup of the pigeon.
Federation members we encourage you to report any pigeons directly with the individual club ring secretaries. This will save your time for a quicker response from the pigeon owner. Please find below individual club ring secretaries.